Rising crime has some Egyptians yearning for the old police stateThe Obama media still persist in referring to this as a "freedom movement," which is highly amusing.
What we see beginning to develop in Egypt is a version of what would have happened in Iraq if we had simply arranged for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and then walked away. Fortunately, the Bush team was smarter than that, and resisted demands from Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Sen. Barack Obama to declare defeat and bail out. Now Obama finds himself President and Commander in Chief, and he seems to have no strategic vision whatsoever, his Afghanistan policy, if you can call it that, an incoherent shambles.
Killing an old, ill, isolated Osama Bin Laden had some brief symbolic value for Americans, but it was otherwise irrelevant to the apparently pointless mess that is Obama's war in Afghanistan. OBL's killing changed nothing about that.
You really would think that, long before now, the Great Orator would have given a televised prime-time address to the nation on what he intends to accomplish in Afghanistan, explaining what will justify the additional maimings and deaths of U.S. soldiers, between now and the scheduled withdrawal he's already announced.
What Change is he in the process of accomplishing in Afghanistan in the time remaining, what Audacity of Hope will be made manifest in that place with the remaining expenditure of American blood and treasure? What's the plan, champ? Where's the inspirational oratory now?
Instead, Obama's taking vacations, doing fancy political fundraisers for rich donors, filling out NCAA basketball tournament brackets, singing R&B songs for an adoring audience. Something's wrong here.