
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Collapse

Via Instapundit:
“SMART DIPLOMACY” UPDATE: Saudi Royal Blasts U.S. Policy.
“A leading Saudi prince demanded a place for his country at talks with Iran, assailing the Obama administration for working behind Riyadh’s back and panning other recent U.S. steps in the Middle East.”

Join the crowd, Prince.  On all fronts, the Obama Administration is showing itself to be a careless, incompetent mess. In foreign policy, friends and foes alike have discovered that Emperor TelePrompter has no clothes, and they have no fear about openly criticizing his ineptness.  Look for much more of this going, er, Forward.

Obama is getting no respect from any quarter, because Pres. Redlines hasn't earned any. Putin, the Chinese, and the Radical Islamists, among other sharks, smell blood in the water. The damage our selfie-snapping Commander-in-Chief is doing to the U.S. and our traditional alliances will be very expensive to remedy, and not just in money.

That bill will come due, and very quickly, count on it. Japan is right now busy re-arming in the face of Chinese claims on international waters in the western Pacific, a direct result of the U.S. being perceived as weak and indecisive. It's painful even to look at what's occurring in the Arab Mideast and along the whole southern rim of the Mediterranean, as we abandon Iraq and quit Afghanistan. Oh, well, we'll always have our trusty ally Pakistan...



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