Enough already
York: Romney pushes jobs, side issues trip rivals
Yes. Romney gets it.
But if the GOP is determined to commit electoral seppuku then, sure, go ahead and nominate Santorum. He's already made himself unelectable in the general with his statements on reproductive issues, and the Obama camp still has Rick's fascinating views on teaching Creationism in biology classes to hammer him with. (Google "Santorum Amendment.") That's a debate we don't need, unless the idea is to lose even bigger, while also setting science teaching back a couple of generations. Editorial cartoons will have Santorum dressed like Elmer Gantry in a tent show, waving a chimpanzee femur at an audience of toothless GOP yokels. Thanks, but include me out of that hoedown. Live by the social conservative agenda, die by it. The risk is not just that Obama gets re-elected, but that both houses of Congress end up controlled by the Democrats also.
In my view, the best thing the GOP can hope for on this Super Tuesday is for Santorum to get trampled from one end of the country to the other, to give a nice concession speech, and then to go away.
Here's what's sad: The Democrats have moved so far to the left margins that there is plenty of territory for the GOP to be a true Liberal party with strong appeal to independents -- Free people, free markets, smaller less intrusive government, balanced budgets, lower taxes, term limits. But no, instead we get just one more self-destructive debate over the agenda of the social conservative wing, and an eventual nominee loaded down with baggage he has to drag along into the general election. To say that the GOP needs new leadership is a vast understatement.
Yes. Romney gets it.
But if the GOP is determined to commit electoral seppuku then, sure, go ahead and nominate Santorum. He's already made himself unelectable in the general with his statements on reproductive issues, and the Obama camp still has Rick's fascinating views on teaching Creationism in biology classes to hammer him with. (Google "Santorum Amendment.") That's a debate we don't need, unless the idea is to lose even bigger, while also setting science teaching back a couple of generations. Editorial cartoons will have Santorum dressed like Elmer Gantry in a tent show, waving a chimpanzee femur at an audience of toothless GOP yokels. Thanks, but include me out of that hoedown. Live by the social conservative agenda, die by it. The risk is not just that Obama gets re-elected, but that both houses of Congress end up controlled by the Democrats also.
In my view, the best thing the GOP can hope for on this Super Tuesday is for Santorum to get trampled from one end of the country to the other, to give a nice concession speech, and then to go away.
Here's what's sad: The Democrats have moved so far to the left margins that there is plenty of territory for the GOP to be a true Liberal party with strong appeal to independents -- Free people, free markets, smaller less intrusive government, balanced budgets, lower taxes, term limits. But no, instead we get just one more self-destructive debate over the agenda of the social conservative wing, and an eventual nominee loaded down with baggage he has to drag along into the general election. To say that the GOP needs new leadership is a vast understatement.
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