
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Supreme Screwball

When I heard Breyer's questioning about ObamaCare the other day, it sounded like the guy had taken a couple of hits of Ecstasy -- several minutes of disconnected whimsical babble in this strange lilting voice. Did any of you happen to hear it?

He's the Justice, btw, who wants the US Supreme Court to consider foreign precedents and law in its deliberations, a supremely goofy idea from any perspective, because as Scalia points out there are hundreds of foreign courts, so which ones would you look at, chosen on what basis? You could always find some precedent somewhere or other for any damned thing you wanted to promote, and the hell with our Constitution and body of law -- which are what the Supreme Court is specifically charged with interpreting and ruling on. (Breyer and Ginsburg can lay claim to being the Wacko Wing of our Supreme Court.  Listening to Ginsburg, it was obvious that she doesn't care a whit about the Constitution or precedent; if the legislation under review would promote her liberal social goals, then she's all for it, regardless, so please don't bother her with that Constitution stuff because she doesn't give a hoot in hell about any of it.)

At the link is the transcript of Breyer's stream-of-consciousness blithering the other day, which makes for some amusing reading but that's also alarmingly bizarre. Is this guy dealing from a full deck?

Breyer's unhinged Commerce Clause ramblings


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