Video: Hurricane Camille
She's my favorite atheist lesbian lefty, always worth listening to. You wanna get in the pit with her, you better be ready.
The full video interview (15 minutes), which is mostly about art and art history, is here.
Highly recommended. This time she's voting for Stein (Green Party), not Obama, and she explains why not in no uncertain terms. (The interviewer is Glenn Reynolds, aka "Instapundit," who simply lets her talk.)
Her comment about white liberals ought be carved on a monument somewhere: They have zero connection with the working classes they claim to represent, in fact they despise those people as contemptibly backward and stupid, with their bad grammar, bad teeth, Bibles, and hunting rifles. Their only function is to be used as shock troops against The Rich, who are hated by liberal intellectuals out of envy and deep resentment of their success, wealth, and recognition -- all of which, liberal intellectuals absolutely believe, would in a just and intelligently run society, come to themselves instead. It's the endless gnawing of that status envy which explains why the liberal intellectual is permanently angry and demanding of "necessary social change." I'll admit my won bias here: Liberal intellectuals make me want to puke.