
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Facebook Revolution?

With perfect predictability, the digital dreamland called "Arab Spring" turns to nightmare. Rag-tag tweet-twit militia men in jeeps vs. a disciplined, trained army with tanks and artillery? Is there even a video game that dumb?  Anybody with half a brain could see that the "Facebook Revolution" idea was preposterous on its face -- a silly, stupid, social-media fantasy of the first order.

The blame goes straight to fools like Barack Obama who -- with zero intention of providing any serious support --  cynically encouraged this debacle, and who have succeeded only in getting a lot good people killed, putting the Muslim Brotherhood and worse into power, and destroying whatever hopes women and minorities may have had.  The depth of folly here beggars the imagination.

Steyn nails it, as usual: What Do Facebook And Egypt's Elections Have In Common?


Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Why Bain Counts

Obama never mentions efficiency, because he sees nothing attractive about it; he wants to maximize the Government workforce and payroll, not reduce them. Obama seeks to bloat Government bureaucracies to the maximum possible, because they're stuffed full of loyal, Democrat-voting public employee union members -- a permanent army of Class Warriors, a publicly-funded, instantly-mobilized proletariat such as even Marx never dreamed of.  The mass of union shock troops that flooded into Madison, Wisconsin, to occupy the state house, intimidate citizens, bully legislators, and disrupt official business in an attempt to drive the duly-elected governor from office was only a tiny foretaste.

In Obama's vision of the Administrative State, everyone would be guaranteed a Government job, with the full menu of Government-guaranteed benefits.  That leverage would make political control by Government over communities and individuals virtually complete. Government control of the economy would be similarly complete, as Government planning would replace markets as the locus of economic decision-making. 

This purposeful gutting of the American Dream is nothing more than the same old socialist model that has amassed an unbroken record of economic failure and political repression -- the oft-travelled Road to Serfdom. Only someone with Obama's lamentable combination of narcissistic egotism and woeful historical ignorance could still pursue such a course. 
