Honest do-over?
Posted at 10:56 am by Glenn Reynolds
If this process is highly public and transparent, then good; if it isn't, then expect a whitewash.
And keep in mind that "the extent of the warming trend" is only one component of the issue. The public policy side hinges on whether any warming that's found is judged to be due to human activity (anthropogenic) via the release of greenhouse gases, or if it's due to natural cycles and causes (solar activity, clouds/water vapor, etc.).
The true believers badly want to find human causes, in order to justify all kinds of government mandates to reduce CO2 emissions, amounting to control of economic production by governments and by UN regulatory bodies. That's the link between global warming and the left/socialist agenda, and why the issue became so quickly and thoroughly politicized. The other major driver of global warming theology is profit-seeking by people like Al Gore, who envision making billions in the government-sanctioned CO2 trade. The combination of these pressures, plus the ambitions of some of its practitioners, led to the corruption of climate science. Once the science was corrupted, then global warming theology could acquire the apparent credibility needed to enter school curricula, influence legislation, etc.
CLIMATEGATE UPDATE: British Meteorological Office to Re-Examine 160 Years Of Climate Data. “The Met Office plans to re-examine 160 years of temperature data after admitting that public confidence in the science on man-made global warming has been shattered by leaked e-mails. The new analysis of the data will take three years, meaning that the Met Office will not be able to state with absolute confidence the extent of the warming trend until the end of 2012.” (Via SonicFrog).
Posted at 10:56 am by Glenn Reynolds
If this process is highly public and transparent, then good; if it isn't, then expect a whitewash.
And keep in mind that "the extent of the warming trend" is only one component of the issue. The public policy side hinges on whether any warming that's found is judged to be due to human activity (anthropogenic) via the release of greenhouse gases, or if it's due to natural cycles and causes (solar activity, clouds/water vapor, etc.).
The true believers badly want to find human causes, in order to justify all kinds of government mandates to reduce CO2 emissions, amounting to control of economic production by governments and by UN regulatory bodies. That's the link between global warming and the left/socialist agenda, and why the issue became so quickly and thoroughly politicized. The other major driver of global warming theology is profit-seeking by people like Al Gore, who envision making billions in the government-sanctioned CO2 trade. The combination of these pressures, plus the ambitions of some of its practitioners, led to the corruption of climate science. Once the science was corrupted, then global warming theology could acquire the apparent credibility needed to enter school curricula, influence legislation, etc.
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