
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to destroy an economy

Massive government deficits means selling huge quantities of government bonds to fund the debt. The money that flows to those bond sales is removed from the private sector and becomes unavailable for investment in businesses, especially new, small businesses, which are the primary source of new employment.

Thus does government suck the lifeblood from the private economy, substituting its own wasteful spending for the efficiency of the private market.

Calling an explosion of government spending and and debt "stimulus" is pure socialist fantasy. You get economic stimulus by cutting taxes so that individuals and businesses have more money to spend and invest. But Obama is too ignorant of economic theory, or too ignorant of economic history, or too ideologically hidebound to do that. I think it's all three.

More Stimulus Equals More Unemployment

Yet another economy-devouring worm hidden in the gigantic rotten apple that is Pelosi's 2,000-page ObamaCare bill. One can only hope that the Senate will put a bullet between the eyes of this monstrosity.
I'd bet that if Obama were asked about this, he'd claim he didn't know it was in the bill. I think he'd probably be telling the truth. Nobody knows what's in the bill.

Question: Do these people hate the idea of a market economy, or do they not know what they're doing? Answer: They hate the idea of a market economy and they don't know what they're doing.

The 69% increase in capital-gains taxes

[It's already emblematic of the Obama administration, and more economists and bank analysts are saying it's likely to reach 13%. As it already has for the state of Rhode Island, which went 63% for Obama. And Nevada (55% for Obama). Michigan (57% for Obama) is over 15%. Hope! Change! Stimulus! Oops!]



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