Afghanistan Absurdity
Obama's Afghanistan speech was a travesty. Nothing about winning, just about fighting until a predetermined withdrawal date, with fewer resources than our commanders requested. Troops will be asked to sacrifice their lives for an absurdity like that? If Afghanistan is worth fighting, then it's worth winning. If it isn't worth winning, then it makes no sense to be fighting it. This is not a difference that can be split, and if you try, the results will be worse than bad. But splitting the difference is all Obama knows how to do; it's his guiding principle, the only arrow in his quiver.
It's a tragedy that our military should be saddled with someone this weak as its Commander in Chief. "Barack Obama, Commander in Chief." It's preposterous, and dangerous. Every adversary of the U.S. has either already taken Obama's measure or is in the process of doing so. If you are already struck by how little respect he is suddenly getting internationally, just wait another year or so. Obama, who wants to be a peacemaker, is stumbling into the age-old recipe for war.
It's a tragedy that our military should be saddled with someone this weak as its Commander in Chief. "Barack Obama, Commander in Chief." It's preposterous, and dangerous. Every adversary of the U.S. has either already taken Obama's measure or is in the process of doing so. If you are already struck by how little respect he is suddenly getting internationally, just wait another year or so. Obama, who wants to be a peacemaker, is stumbling into the age-old recipe for war.
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