
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


The reviews of Obysmal's Asia trip are beginning to come in, and they are not good, even from stalwart cheerleaders like the NYT, Washington Post, and LA Times.

The trip was, overall, a disastrous flop. Simply stated, Obama gets no respect, the predictable response to his weak, clueless approach to foreign relations. Welcome back, Carter? But I don't remember even Carter bowing down before any emperors. Like Putin, the Chinese leadership looks straight through the glib talk and smiles, seeing Obama for exactly what he is, a zero, a nothing -- other than a walking embodiment of the decline of American power.

"This is not only sad, it is dangerous. A weak and disrespected America is bad for America, sends the wrong message to enemies (including terrorists), hurts dissident movements abroad, and — as a political matter, again — reminds us nothing so much as it does of the years of Jimmy Carter, which it took even more years to overcome."

Let's hope the patch-up here does not come in the form of a triumphant Obama Latin American tour, featuring friendly meetings with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, and Luiz Lula (that last is President of Brazil, famous for declaring the that the global financial crisis was caused by "the irrational behavior of white people with blue eyes," which sounds very much like something from a sermon by Rev. Wright, Obama's pastor for all those years in Chicago). Where else can he go? The Europeans (Western and Eastern) are fed up with him, the Russians and Chinese have him pegged as a nonentity, he and Hillary have made a mess of the Israeli-Palestinian situation, and he's paralyzed on the Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan theater because there's no way to vote "Present."

What's left? A trip to Antarctica to feed the penguins?



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