
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Monday, October 26, 2009

Obama's Katrina

That's what this mess with the H1N1 flu vaccine deserves to be called. We now see one news report after another (could this be where the media finally stops covering for Obie's failures?) about the unavailability of the vaccine in spite of explicit promises from the Government. Daily downward revisions of projected supplies. Non-existent or wrong information about where to find the vaccine. People standing in endless lines for 10 or 12 hours only to find the vaccine supply has run out. It's not getting better, it's getting worse. Part of the problem is inadequate supply, but much of it is an antiquated, information-poor, dysfunctional, snarled distribution system that's really no system at all. It's a bureaucratic, floundering, flailing mess.

Byron's Plan: Have Obama make a prime-time speech to the nation.

Just kidding! No, turn the whole thing over to Wal-Mart. Seriously. They have the system to get the vaccine distributed as fast and as efficiently as it's humanly possible to do it. Put vaccine booths in every Wal-Mart store and instantly eliminate the uncertainties people have about who to call and where to go. With respect to distribution, Wal-Mart will know at every minute of the day and night exactly where the vaccine supplies are, right down to which trucks they're on, and just where every one of those trucks is at that moment. If there are hot spots, supply can be redirected with a few key strokes. If people continue to have problems getting the vaccine, there will be no buck passing -- the problem will be identified at the production end, not with the distribution system. The cow chips can then fall on those who deserve it. Heckuva job, CDC!

The Government distribution system by comparison with Wal-Mart's is a hopelessly disorganized, confused, inefficient joke, as it is proving yet again. It's like comparing a race-ready Ferrari to a crapped-out Yugo with two drunks arguing about who gets to drive. We should have learned this during Katrina, when Wal-Mart trucks were there on the scene distributing free water and other supplies within hours, while Government was still days away from getting off the dime.

Unfortunately, my plan has no chance because Obysmal's lefty supporters hate Wal-Mart.

You can't make it up.
