Great interview
Kissinger talks straight to our German "allies."
One of the excellent points he makes is this one:
With the disappearance of European nation states into the EU, it becomes impossible for countries to ask for sacrifices, like military combat, from their citizens. The citizen can duck by claiming that the nation state no longer has any legitimacy, while at the same time he feels no obligation whatever to Brussels.
As we are seeing, this can make it impossible to raise and support fighting armies at the old national level -- and people are not likely to sign up to fight and die for an abstract bureaucratic construction like the EU. So how does EU-Europe defend itself? And what is a mutual defense treaty like NATO worth? We are having a very hard time getting some of our NATO partners to actually fight in Afghanistan, because their voting populations believe they have left all such things behind. Germany seems to be the worst case, even using its own history as an excuse to stand aside.
One of the excellent points he makes is this one:
With the disappearance of European nation states into the EU, it becomes impossible for countries to ask for sacrifices, like military combat, from their citizens. The citizen can duck by claiming that the nation state no longer has any legitimacy, while at the same time he feels no obligation whatever to Brussels.
As we are seeing, this can make it impossible to raise and support fighting armies at the old national level -- and people are not likely to sign up to fight and die for an abstract bureaucratic construction like the EU. So how does EU-Europe defend itself? And what is a mutual defense treaty like NATO worth? We are having a very hard time getting some of our NATO partners to actually fight in Afghanistan, because their voting populations believe they have left all such things behind. Germany seems to be the worst case, even using its own history as an excuse to stand aside.