The liberal media has its agenda, and it's sticking to it.
Bozell Column: Skipping an Abortionist's 'House of Horrors'
It's only unbelievable if you so naive as to think the media are in the business of journalism by any traditional definition.
They aren't.
It used to be considered cynical to say about the media that "if it bleeds, it leads." Yet, this story goes far beyond mere bleeding, and still the media won't report it. (Like they won't report incidents where lives are saved by an armed citizen, because those don't fit the media's anti-gun agenda. Molding public perceptions and opinion is Job One, after all.)
The story here is not another pro-choice vs. pro-life dust-up, it's about a rogue doctor running a human slaughterhouse in the Philadelphia ghetto. In this case, the media's social-political agenda about reproductive rights trumps everything else -- even the poor-black-female race/class/gender angle. (That's interesting, and something poor black women might want to think about. To be useful in the role of allies of convenience may be fine, but only to a point.)
"Ink-stained wretches," the old backhanded compliment to the working press, needs revision. "Lapdog toadies and whores" leaps to mind. But that's far too kind, because it suggests that they're merely a pack witless dupes. They aren't. They know exactly what they're doing.
Bozell Column: Skipping an Abortionist's 'House of Horrors'
Abortionist Kermit Gosnell is on trial in Philadelphia, and not just for killing babies outside the womb, but also for killing a mother through reckless use of anesthesia. Network TV coverage of the trial? Zero on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NPR, and PBS. CNN’s entire coverage seems to be one sentence from Jake Tapper on March 21.
The New York Times wrote one story before the trial began on March 19 (buried on page A-17). The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and USA Today couldn’t be “national” newspapers and report this trial.
They’re not unaware of it. CBS aired one story after the initial clinic raid in 2011. NBC offered 50 words. CBS even passed along that Gosnell's clinic was described as a "house of horrors." Now it’s in court, and the networks can't find any horrors.
ABC, CBS, and NBC piled up 96 stories on Todd Akin’s medically inept comments on rape and abortion, and also wallowed in outrage over Richard Mourdock’s remarks on God’s will and a child conceived in rape. Their pro-life rhetoric was sold as a major scandal. It’s unbelievable that Dr. Gosnell’s trial for his actions inside his “house of horrors” haven't drawn one network story.
It's only unbelievable if you so naive as to think the media are in the business of journalism by any traditional definition.
They aren't.
It used to be considered cynical to say about the media that "if it bleeds, it leads." Yet, this story goes far beyond mere bleeding, and still the media won't report it. (Like they won't report incidents where lives are saved by an armed citizen, because those don't fit the media's anti-gun agenda. Molding public perceptions and opinion is Job One, after all.)
The story here is not another pro-choice vs. pro-life dust-up, it's about a rogue doctor running a human slaughterhouse in the Philadelphia ghetto. In this case, the media's social-political agenda about reproductive rights trumps everything else -- even the poor-black-female race/class/gender angle. (That's interesting, and something poor black women might want to think about. To be useful in the role of allies of convenience may be fine, but only to a point.)
"Ink-stained wretches," the old backhanded compliment to the working press, needs revision. "Lapdog toadies and whores" leaps to mind. But that's far too kind, because it suggests that they're merely a pack witless dupes. They aren't. They know exactly what they're doing.
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