Really frightening:
Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us
This issue sat there festering year after year after year, getting nothing but worse.
The GOP sat back and sat back some more, until finally Obama and the Democrats took it -- and rammed through ObamaCare, which will do nothing to control costs.
If Republicans were any dumber they'd forget to breathe.
The stumbling wreck that is the GOP has to be rebuilt from top to bottom. Its message is a muddled melange of bits and pieces that don't fit together, a diffuse, incoherent jumble of demands for individual liberty and free market economics on the one hand, and for compulsory enforcement of religion-based moral absolutes on the other.
This is not a theocracy. Promoting Christian virtues is the job of Christianity. It is not a proper function of Government. The fact that Christianity has not been able to make the sale in some area or other cannot be an excuse to call on the power of Government as faux savior.
The religious right clearly has become a crutch for the GOP, and far too many Republicans are content to continue hobbling along on it. But they ignore the damage from religion-intoxicated screwballs like Todd Akin who emerge from that quarter in every election to throw away perfectly winnable races -- with lots of collateral damage to the GOP brand in every direction, especially among women and the young. "I am not a witch!" Oh, yes, you are. I just saw you demonstrate your powers by -- abracadabra -- turning a GOP seat into a Democrat seat. Poof!
What change is possible, and from what quarter? One possibility might be a libertarian takeover of the Tea Party movement. The Tea Party as it exists now is strong on fiscal/economic issues, but its religious emphasis limits its appeal. In its present form it shares the mainline GOP's main problem, in other words.
Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us
This issue sat there festering year after year after year, getting nothing but worse.
The GOP sat back and sat back some more, until finally Obama and the Democrats took it -- and rammed through ObamaCare, which will do nothing to control costs.
If Republicans were any dumber they'd forget to breathe.
The stumbling wreck that is the GOP has to be rebuilt from top to bottom. Its message is a muddled melange of bits and pieces that don't fit together, a diffuse, incoherent jumble of demands for individual liberty and free market economics on the one hand, and for compulsory enforcement of religion-based moral absolutes on the other.
This is not a theocracy. Promoting Christian virtues is the job of Christianity. It is not a proper function of Government. The fact that Christianity has not been able to make the sale in some area or other cannot be an excuse to call on the power of Government as faux savior.
The religious right clearly has become a crutch for the GOP, and far too many Republicans are content to continue hobbling along on it. But they ignore the damage from religion-intoxicated screwballs like Todd Akin who emerge from that quarter in every election to throw away perfectly winnable races -- with lots of collateral damage to the GOP brand in every direction, especially among women and the young. "I am not a witch!" Oh, yes, you are. I just saw you demonstrate your powers by -- abracadabra -- turning a GOP seat into a Democrat seat. Poof!
What change is possible, and from what quarter? One possibility might be a libertarian takeover of the Tea Party movement. The Tea Party as it exists now is strong on fiscal/economic issues, but its religious emphasis limits its appeal. In its present form it shares the mainline GOP's main problem, in other words.
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