
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

ObamaCare saves money!

Bwa-ha!  Kidding!

ObamaCare's Health-Insurance Sticker Shock

I'm sure Obama is genuinely mystified.  Government Mandates are supposed to be magical, dammit, and prices can be arbitrarily set by Government at whatever level it wants.  There must be GOP saboteurs and wreckers at work here...

Barack Obama (2008):
I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.

Ha-haaa! What's doubly funny is that some people actually believed such nonsense.

The only way ObamaScam could cut your premiums by $2,500 would be to up your co-pays, cut your coverages, increase your taxes by $5,000 and euthanize you at 75 if you hadn't the good grace to croak before then.

It's redistribution at its finest: From the responsible to families and individuals who never in their lives paid a health insurance premium or a medical bill, and who never will.  For them, health care has always been, and it will always remain, an "entitlement" they're owed for just being them -- and for making nothing but bad choices since they were 12 years old.  In the unlikely event that they ever pause to wonder where the money comes from, I imagine they think it comes from Obama. Like their free cell phones, EBT card/food stamps, housing, legal services, and all the rest.

Someone wrote that all we needed to fix health care was a combination of catastrophic coverage and health care savings accounts.  Dream on.  Catastrophic coverage is just one more thing the "entitled" would refuse to pay a dime for, and they couldn't maintain a savings account at the point of a gun.  They do know which lever to pull at election time, however.



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