
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Riding the Moonbeam Express

An outbreak of fiscal sanity in California?

Supporters of the project warn that shutting down the project now would mean having to return $3 billion in federal grants — but that’s a rather poor argument for committing to a project whose predicted cost has now risen to $99 billion, and the same projection warns that it could run an additional $19 billion more depending on route options.

$118 billion.  All aboard!  I'll be astonished if this monstrosity is cancelled.  Enough union contributions to Democrats are involved in a project like this that I'm betting we can count on Gov. Moonbeam to bravely lead his people a bit deeper into Never-Never Land.

He's no doubt counting on a Greece-style bailout by the nation's taxpayers when the Promised Land formally admits it's hopelessly bankrupt.  Then we'll all be passengers on the Moonbeam Express, like it or not.

And, really, could there be a finer example of social justice than collecting tax money from some miserable schlub freezing his n*ts off in a doublewide on the outskirts of Akron or Wheeling -- and then sending it to Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, and Monterey?



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