
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Friday, October 21, 2011


Green-jobs success: Jobs created … in Finland  You have to read it to believe it, to believe that any administration could treat the public purse with the irresponsibility of the Obama regime.  Al Gore and George Kaiser are both involved in this particular mess, which alone is spending $529 Million in taxpayer money on a loan guarantee to build "green" cars in Finland, cars that get worse mileage than an SUV.  Yet another great crony-socialism investment by an administration so stupid (that's the benign possibility) they wouldn't know how to pour sand out of a boot. What they do know how to do is to pour vast quantities of public money down the drain.   Taxpayers are being treated as cows to be milked to create a slush fund, which then shovels money to Democrat insiders and their ridiculous, money-losing projects. This is being done under cover of a massive "green jobs" swindle. The tab is over a Billion dollars between just this Fisker outfit and Solyndra, and there are many others. Obviously, if these operations were at all financially sound, private capital would flow to them and they wouldn't need government funding in the first place.  This is the preposterous Obama model for economic development, a squandering of public money on a scale that is unprecedented by any measure. What's worse is that because 40% of what the Federal Government spends is deficit spending, all that borrowed money is being added to the enormous debt load being hoisted onto the shoulders of our children and grandchildren, a poisonous legacy if there ever was one.   Byron


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