Odd question(s)
WASHINGTON POST: Barack Obama, The Loner President.
Beyond the economy, the wars and the polls, President Obama has a problem: people. This president endures with little joy the small talk and back-slapping of retail politics, rarely spends more than a few minutes on a rope line, refuses to coddle even his biggest donors. His relationship with Democrats on Capitol Hill is frosty, to be generous. Personal lobbying on behalf of legislation? He prefers to leave that to Vice President Biden, an old-school political charmer. . . . Which raises an odd question: Is it possible to be America’s most popular politician and not be very good at American politics?
Which raises an odder question: How, then, did he manage to get elected?
Answer: He didn't need to be very good at American politics, because the national media went deep into the tank to make sure he got elected. He was the liberal media's social/political wet dream, and they carried water for him every inch of the way, with every kind and manner of selective coverage, non-coverage, and cover-up possible in an all-out drive to make sure he ended up in the White House. No skepticism about his qualifications, no background investigations, just a worshipful pump job from beginning to end, coupled with vicious assaults on opponents like Sarah Palin. The contrast with the media treatment of Bush is so blatant and flagrant it's just laughable.
With Obama the liberal media finally had the kind of candidate they longed for, and they unflaggingly facilitated and promoted him and his campaign with every resource at their disposal. They're still at it today, with a parade of Hollywood half-wits happily serving as the frosting on the media cake.
The result in 2008 was that voters were left knowing virtually nothing beyond the carefully constructed media image, and that's what we elected. Obama the actual human being has turned out to be a far-left ideologue/economic nincompoop (the first necessarily implies the second), the most destructive president in our history. America needs no enemies with Obama in office; the enemies we have need only stand aside and enjoy the show.
The only good to come out of this deplorable fiasco is a general disillusionment with the legacy media, which now enjoys the kind of wide contempt and deep mistrust it so shamelessly earned and richly deserves.
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