
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Excellent, but...

Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Three Years Under Obama

Yes, Bill, but it's probably already too late to avoid the crash-and-burn.

Politically, socialism vs. capitalism is never a fair fight -- simple-minded and wrong will always win over complicated and correct, the pure fantasy over the impure reality. Eventually, the "morally entitled" outnumber the producers, which is always the socialist political goal from Day One. Economic growth is then gutted by the demand for redistribution, and societal wealth crashes downward and social inequality actually increases.

Count on it. 
Down we go. 

Merry Christmas.



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