Pass the salt
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Pass the salt shaker?
CNN Health:
A few days ago, the news was that omega-3 fish oil, supposedly good for the heart, is associated with a large increase in the chances of the worst form of prostate cancer.
Health advice changes and reverses so often, I'm starting to think the best advice is to just ignore it all and enjoy life while you can.
Atkinson was right: Low carbs is key, low fat diets are so much hooey. Carbs drive insulin, and insulin is what drives fat accumulation. Would anyone be surprised if the famous food pyramid pushed by the FDA is actually upside down? Not me.
Pass the salt shaker?
CNN Health:
Those who consumed the least salt had a 56 percent higher risk of death from a heart attack or stroke compared with those who had the highest consumption, even after controlling for obesity, cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, and other risk factors....
A few days ago, the news was that omega-3 fish oil, supposedly good for the heart, is associated with a large increase in the chances of the worst form of prostate cancer.
Health advice changes and reverses so often, I'm starting to think the best advice is to just ignore it all and enjoy life while you can.
Heart Muscles And Fat
Gee, what do you know?
…eliminating or severely limiting fats from the diet may not be beneficial to cardiac function in patients suffering from heart failure, a study at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine reports. Results from biological model studies conducted by assistant professor of physiology and biophysics Margaret Chandler, PhD, and other researchers, demonstrate that a high-fat diet improved overall mechanical function, in other words, the heart’s ability to pump, and was accompanied by cardiac insulin resistance.
How many people has the FDA and the nutrition/industrial complex killed with the fatophobia over the past decades? I’m pretty sure my father was one of them.
Atkinson was right: Low carbs is key, low fat diets are so much hooey. Carbs drive insulin, and insulin is what drives fat accumulation. Would anyone be surprised if the famous food pyramid pushed by the FDA is actually upside down? Not me.
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