Rolled by the Euros
The Euros eat Obysmal's lunch, leave him holding the empty bag. Presidential leadership at its finest!
Obama is admirably smooth and glib. But he's woefully inexperienced and, we are discovering, really not all that smart. He needs a trusted counselor like Dick Cheney whispering real politik in his ear; instead he's got Slow Joe Biden, the buffoon's buffoon. This is not a recipe for success on the international stage.
Libya: The Genesis of a Bad Idea
Obama is admirably smooth and glib. But he's woefully inexperienced and, we are discovering, really not all that smart. He needs a trusted counselor like Dick Cheney whispering real politik in his ear; instead he's got Slow Joe Biden, the buffoon's buffoon. This is not a recipe for success on the international stage.
Libya: The Genesis of a Bad Idea
The Europeans (mostly the British and French) suddenly wanted to intervene in Libya, in a manner they had not amid protests elsewhere. Why? Oil, for one reason. Europe imports 10% of their oil and gas from Libya at very little transportation cost, and so it was deemed wise to be on the right side of the most likely government to be. Proximity, of course. Libya is a Mediterranean country with a tiny population of 6.5 million, as easy to operate militarily against, as Afghanistan and Iraq are difficult — and one that by such proximity might in extremis pose problems for Europe. More importantly, the “rebels” seemed like they would capture Tripoli within just a few days.
So the French and British sensed an opportunity to accomplish a number of things at very little cost by declaring an intent to intervene militarily: they could ensure continued oil contracts with the likely winners under the guise of humanitarian anguish; they could avoid a drawn-out war by nudging the rebels over the top; and they could put the U.S. in an untenable position. By declaring their humanitarian fides and getting ahead of America in public concern over “genocide,” the Europeans would force the U.S. hand: if Obama did not act, he would look weak and de facto cede traditional American moral leadership to an ascendant Europe; if Obama did, he would do so in response to European initiatives, and end up with the worst of both worlds: shamed into providing 90% of the muscle while ceding the credit of a “sure” win to Sarkozy and Cameron.
Europe, then, read Obama perfectly.
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