
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Corbett demands probe of failure to regulate abortion clinics in Pennsylvania

The argument by both departments that they didn’t think their jurisdiction extended to abortion clinics is a bald-faced lie. They knew full well that they had the authority to conduct investigations and to prosecute violations. They just didn’t want to do it. As the grand jury concluded, the neglect by both DoH and DoS for “abortion patients’ safety and of Pennsylvania laws is clearly not inadvertent: It is by design.”

Gosnell and his staff of ghouls face criminal prosecution for their crimes. Corbett and his team should pursue charges against public officials for gross dereliction of duty — and start checking to see how many more Gosnells are operating charnel houses in the Keystone State with impunity because of it.

I'm pro-choice (safe, legal, and rare), but nobody in the world could be pro- what went on in this place. To say that Pennsylvania public officials were derelict hardly suffices; they were virtually complicit. You can bet that other states are already scrambling to perform overdue inspections, hoping not to uncover anything like this.



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