Dupnik, free speech
(1) Why has Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik become an instant media whore, thrusting himself in front of every camera he can find to try to spread the blame for Loughner's shooting spree? He's making a fool of himself, and you don't do that without good reason. He acts like a man on a frantic mission to cover his own behind. There were warnings and red flags all over the place about this shooter, yet Dupnik's office sat on its hand and took no action. How did Loughner stay on the OK list to buy a gun in the first place? Sheriff Dubnik has a whole bunch of explaining to do, and the media fog machine is not going to protect him for long.
See this: http://moelane.com/2011/01/10/did-dupnik-dismiss-loughner-threat/
(2) On the demands for "toning down the political rhetoric," Comedian Penn Jillette tweeted thus:
F*ck Civility. Hyperbole, passion, and metaphor are beautiful parts of rhetoric. Marketplace of ideas can not be toned down for the insane.
Exactly right.
Said another way by an anonymous commenter: "Anyone else find it creepy that the new standard of what we may say or not say is: How will it affect the behavior of an obviously crazy person who may or may not hear it?"
Much worse than creepy. The left would repeal the 2nd Amendment, now they'd gut the 1st Amendment, too? No wonder they didn't want the Constitution read. Always some government imposed restriction for our own good, of course. This is the same nanny pack of worshippers at the altar of political correctness that has created Orwellian speech codes on university campuses, places above all where debate should be, needs to be, free and untrammeled.
(If you think that's important, send a few bucks to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education at www.thefire.org. They've been dragging university administrations into court for free speech violations and winning every case. On their website you can see recent cases, and also look up any college to see how it stands with respect to free speech policies on its campus. Some of the worst offenders will surprise you. FIRE's only politics are the politics of the Enlightenment; one of its founders, Prof. Alan Korz, literally wrote the book on the ascendency of reason -- represented by a flame -- in Western civilization. Good people and a good cause, tax deductible.)
See this: http://moelane.com/2011/01/10/did-dupnik-dismiss-loughner-threat/
(2) On the demands for "toning down the political rhetoric," Comedian Penn Jillette tweeted thus:
F*ck Civility. Hyperbole, passion, and metaphor are beautiful parts of rhetoric. Marketplace of ideas can not be toned down for the insane.
Exactly right.
Said another way by an anonymous commenter: "Anyone else find it creepy that the new standard of what we may say or not say is: How will it affect the behavior of an obviously crazy person who may or may not hear it?"
Much worse than creepy. The left would repeal the 2nd Amendment, now they'd gut the 1st Amendment, too? No wonder they didn't want the Constitution read. Always some government imposed restriction for our own good, of course. This is the same nanny pack of worshippers at the altar of political correctness that has created Orwellian speech codes on university campuses, places above all where debate should be, needs to be, free and untrammeled.
(If you think that's important, send a few bucks to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education at www.thefire.org. They've been dragging university administrations into court for free speech violations and winning every case. On their website you can see recent cases, and also look up any college to see how it stands with respect to free speech policies on its campus. Some of the worst offenders will surprise you. FIRE's only politics are the politics of the Enlightenment; one of its founders, Prof. Alan Korz, literally wrote the book on the ascendency of reason -- represented by a flame -- in Western civilization. Good people and a good cause, tax deductible.)
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