
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Fleeced: The upper 1% earned 19.6% of total income before tax, and paid 41% of the individual federal income tax. "No other major country is so dependent on so few taxpayers"

The "Progressive" politics of resentment, hatred, envy, and revenge (i.e., "Hope and Change") is destroying the United States. It's a case of self-destruction that's unparalleled in human history, and it's occurring at the hands of a redistributionist, "getting even" ideology that has never brought anything but misery, anywhere, ever. The damage being done to our always-fragile social contract was masked by sustained high economic growth and expanding opportunity. But now we begin to see. Cities and counties are broke, states are broke, Washington is broke, this generation is broke, and the next generation, also, crushed with debt. The fight over the scraps has barely begun. I think we really haven't seen anything yet, haven't begun to imagine the kind of cascade that's possible from here.



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