Minnesota wind turbines won’t work in cold weather
(Besides when the wind is not blowing.)
You can just predict this kind of trouble from when you're behind a truck on the highway in cold weather, and you try your windshield washers. Nothing. Your windshield is so bad you can't even see your own hood ornament, but not the feeblest little squirt can be coaxed from those nozzles. When it's sunny and warm and you don't need them, they work fine.
There's something parallel in the demand that Obama show he can fix Medicare before he gets the go-ahead to launch a total overhaul of the entire health care system. How about our technological wizards first show they can develop windshield washers that work in cold weather, then we can talk about depending on wind and solar for our energy needs.
Revolutionary types like to disparage the American Revolution for being insufficiently revolutionary. More like a palace coup, they say, with rich American landowners taking over the reins from rich British merchants. Rights got extended eventually, but the process has been way too incremental and slow. The French Revolution is seen as the Real Thing, the Russian Revolution, also. Absolutely right, and the case in favor of incremental change can rest right there.
(Besides when the wind is not blowing.)
You can just predict this kind of trouble from when you're behind a truck on the highway in cold weather, and you try your windshield washers. Nothing. Your windshield is so bad you can't even see your own hood ornament, but not the feeblest little squirt can be coaxed from those nozzles. When it's sunny and warm and you don't need them, they work fine.
There's something parallel in the demand that Obama show he can fix Medicare before he gets the go-ahead to launch a total overhaul of the entire health care system. How about our technological wizards first show they can develop windshield washers that work in cold weather, then we can talk about depending on wind and solar for our energy needs.
Revolutionary types like to disparage the American Revolution for being insufficiently revolutionary. More like a palace coup, they say, with rich American landowners taking over the reins from rich British merchants. Rights got extended eventually, but the process has been way too incremental and slow. The French Revolution is seen as the Real Thing, the Russian Revolution, also. Absolutely right, and the case in favor of incremental change can rest right there.
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