Green Jobs...
...for China!
Huge Texas Wind Farm's Turbines Will Be Made in China
Let's see, 15% of 2,800 jobs is 420 U.S. jobs. Assuming all 2,800 jobs don't end up in China, that is. But why wouldn't they all end up in China?
The only way they won't all end up in China is if U.S. taxpayers hugely subsidize domestic manufacturers. (Probably be cheaper if that $500 million just went to unemployment benefits.)
Hmmm. Well, er, anyway -- Green jobs are the future of America!
Obamanomics at its finest.
Huge Texas Wind Farm's Turbines Will Be Made in China
Clean tech has seen a boost as the U.S. pours government funding into renewable energy, and China looks set to reap much of the benefits. Latest example: a Chinese wind-turbine company has just become the exclusive supplier for one of the largest wind-farm developments in the U.S...just 15 percent of the 2,800 new jobs from the new wind-turbine development will take the form of U.S. jobs. The U.S. government has tried to help the nation's renewable energy industry with $500 million in grants...
Let's see, 15% of 2,800 jobs is 420 U.S. jobs. Assuming all 2,800 jobs don't end up in China, that is. But why wouldn't they all end up in China?
The only way they won't all end up in China is if U.S. taxpayers hugely subsidize domestic manufacturers. (Probably be cheaper if that $500 million just went to unemployment benefits.)
Hmmm. Well, er, anyway -- Green jobs are the future of America!
Obamanomics at its finest.
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