
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Friday, January 22, 2010

Why AA failed
It is with the greatest regret, on behalf of our Board, that we must announce that Air America Media is ceasing its live programming operations as of this afternoon, and that the Company will file soon under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code to carry out an orderly winding-down of the business.

Who will notice? I thought they were gone a long time ago. In fact, this is their second bankruptcy. The first time, in 2006, they were bailed out by George Soros, Rob Reiner, and others in a coalition of liberal fat cats. No such this time; I guess the welfare mentality has its limits, and those folks got tired of pouring their own money down this particular rat hole.

But that doesn't mean they wouldn't like to pour your good money after bad. Last year, the solution the left was peddling for its inability to attract an audience in the talk radio free market was, naturally, to destroy the free market. The demand was that Government (the FCC) step in and impose an ideological quota system.

This from Daily Kos, last August:

"We need to contact our news outlets, write letters to our papers, and challenge this false idea that there is no market for liberal talk. If we don't, the continuing domination of the airwaves by conservatives will continue to perpetuate the lie that no one wants to hear progressive talk. They are not serving their communities, as they are required to do under FCC law, by keeping out the left's point of view."

The plain truth, of course, is that the only barrier to "the left's point of view" attracting an audience is...the left's point of view. MSNBC's miserable TV ratings are another case in point, with their few viewers mostly tuning in to watch the low comedy of Keith Olbermann's freak-outs. The fact that NPR survives by virtue of an involuntary taxpayer subsidy is yet another example; give people a choice by making NPR support a tax return checkoff item and watch what happens. (In Britain, the thoroughly left-wing BBC survives because it's subsidized by taxes everybody with a TV set is forced to pay, which amount to about $200 per year for a color set. To find tax dodgers, authorities roam the neighborhoods in vans with detection devices, and being caught means heavy fines and possible jail time. The Left's ideal system of mass media is one where the masses pay to be propagandized. They've established exactly that system in every nation where they've managed to achieve political control.

Air America failed because it attracted no audience. It attracted no audience because the liberal mainstream media was already doing the job AA set out to do, and doing it much better. Conservative radio flourishes (as does Fox) because its audience is not served, but rather is scorned, by the mainstream media.

(For a typical example, yesterday on ABC's "Good Morning America," anchor and Liberal Democrat operative George Stephanopoulos came on to preview his interview with Obama to be shown later in the show. His promo was to say that, following the GOP win in Massachusetts, he had sat down with the President to ask him "how we go forward from here." We. With a mainstream media operates like that, what need is there for Air America? None at all.)



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