
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Out of control

 Government, that is:

APPARENTLY, THEY HAD A SPECIAL UNIT FOR THE JEWS, TOO: Politico: Israel-related groups also pointed to IRS scrutiny.

"Special units" with a special interest in Jews is hardly a novel idea -- google Einsatzgruppen some time.

The term "tyranny" above might seem to be a gross overreach, but it isn't. With respect to out-of-control Government generally, there will be, for example, a predictable attempt to laugh off HHS Chief Kathleen Sebelius's extra-curricular fund-raising from the companies her enormous agency regulates (see previous email). But the idea of establishing a privately-funded government-within-the-government is no laughing matter.

Gargantuan regulatory agencies, staffed by armies of political appointees and career bureaucrats, already exercise far too much unaccountable power.  If one of these outfits to decides to focus on you, your life is simply over, finished. The major remaining control is the ability of Congress to cut off funding, but that's precisely what would be weakened by private-source funding.  It's hard to imagine a worse idea, and it's extremely troubling that an agency head would even float it.

If you worry about, for example, the immense power of the EPA, just imagine if EPA could squeeze the oil and gas industry to privately fund its projects and operations, independent of Congress or anybody else who has to stand for election. If that's not the totalitarian nightmare, then I don't know what would be.  



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