CBS polling hijinks
CBS poll puts Obama at 48% approval …
Ed Morrissey explains it in the link above. I also noticed that CBS had Obama at 48% approval, up from 44% in their previous poll. Those are lousy numbers, but I wondered how he could possibly have improved by 4%? One way would be to jimmy the polling so an artificially high proportion of Democrats get polled -- that will produce an overall higher approval number for any Democrat president.
And that's what CBS did. Polls generally find the current self-designated partisan split to favor Democrats by 1-3% points. But the people sampled by CBS were 32.6% Democrat and 28.8% Republican, a 3.8% sample bias in favor of Democrats. (Obviously, the more heavily Democratic the sample, the higher will be Obama's average approval.)
THEN, instead of weighting their biased sample so as to correct for bias, CBS made it more lop-sided and biased by weighting the sample to produce a 7.4% Democrat advantage. (And even that nonsense only got his average approval up to 48%.)
It's panic time in the ObamaMedia.
Ed Morrissey explains it in the link above. I also noticed that CBS had Obama at 48% approval, up from 44% in their previous poll. Those are lousy numbers, but I wondered how he could possibly have improved by 4%? One way would be to jimmy the polling so an artificially high proportion of Democrats get polled -- that will produce an overall higher approval number for any Democrat president.
And that's what CBS did. Polls generally find the current self-designated partisan split to favor Democrats by 1-3% points. But the people sampled by CBS were 32.6% Democrat and 28.8% Republican, a 3.8% sample bias in favor of Democrats. (Obviously, the more heavily Democratic the sample, the higher will be Obama's average approval.)
THEN, instead of weighting their biased sample so as to correct for bias, CBS made it more lop-sided and biased by weighting the sample to produce a 7.4% Democrat advantage. (And even that nonsense only got his average approval up to 48%.)
It's panic time in the ObamaMedia.
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