Clarity begins to dawn
America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution has gone viral on the web. Much of it is extremely good. Worth being aware of, even if you don't read it.
The true dividing line in American politics is the Political Ruling Class vs. the citizenry. The Tea Party movement represents the suddenly growing realization that the division between Democrat and Republican politicians is trivial by comparison, and that "bipartisan" can have a sinister meaning. The Political Class is bipartisan in the true and degenerate sense of the term -- cooperative collusion by both parties against non-government institutions and the tax-paying citizenry. Give me genuinely divided government, or gridlock, any day.
The survey below finds the Political Class favors (Surprise!) a government managed economy. Well, of course. A government managed economy puts the Political Class in control, a free market gives them no special privilege. Control and privilege are what the Political Class is all about, its reason for being.
The development of a Political Class is precisely what the Framers tried to prevent with all their emphasis on Separation of Powers. The question we face is the vastly more difficult one of how to de-legitimize and dismantle a huge, privileged Political Class that's already in place and largely in control.
POWER LINE: The Great Divide
The true dividing line in American politics is the Political Ruling Class vs. the citizenry. The Tea Party movement represents the suddenly growing realization that the division between Democrat and Republican politicians is trivial by comparison, and that "bipartisan" can have a sinister meaning. The Political Class is bipartisan in the true and degenerate sense of the term -- cooperative collusion by both parties against non-government institutions and the tax-paying citizenry. Give me genuinely divided government, or gridlock, any day.
The survey below finds the Political Class favors (Surprise!) a government managed economy. Well, of course. A government managed economy puts the Political Class in control, a free market gives them no special privilege. Control and privilege are what the Political Class is all about, its reason for being.
The development of a Political Class is precisely what the Framers tried to prevent with all their emphasis on Separation of Powers. The question we face is the vastly more difficult one of how to de-legitimize and dismantle a huge, privileged Political Class that's already in place and largely in control.
POWER LINE: The Great Divide
The current state of American politics can be summed up in this poll data, published today by Rasmussen Reports:
75% of Likely Voters prefer free markets over a government managed economy. Just 14% think a government managed economy is better while 11% are not sure.
Well, one would hope so. But here is the kicker:
America’s Political Class is far less enamored with the virtues of a free market. In fact, Political Class voters narrowly prefer a government managed economy over free markets by a 44% to 37% margin.
That strikes me as a rather stunning finding.
Yes, and one that perhaps explains why so many voters think the current setup lacks the consent of the governed.
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