
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Monday, July 05, 2010

Interesting reversal

Why liberals should support gun rights -- on Daily Kos, of all places. The comments are interesting, too -- heavily supportive, and obviously influenced by Justice Thomas's (!) concurring opinion in the McDonald case just decided.

Why Liberals Should Love the Second Amendment

Simple as this: Gun control turned out to be toxic for Democrats at the ballot box, and it is therefore dead, expunged from the issue agenda.

The gun control position was based on a good-hearted impulse but it suffered from one basic flaw: It never made an ounce of rational sense.

The path of its demise is ironic, because the gun control movement's strategy had always been to take advantage of the emotional aftermath of high-profile shooting incidents, hysteria that outfits like the Brady Campaign did their best to whip up. But it was finally a horrific shooting incident, the mass killing at Virginia Tech, that caused most people to recognize the folly of that approach. Once people looked at the issue rationally, it was the beginning of the end for what had always been a very bad idea.



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