
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Tide turns

Don Surber sees Obama's base shrinking fast:

This movement rose because President Obama chose to work with Democrats and Democrats alone — and to make radical changes as he pushed America toward a socialist state where the government runs entire industries — where the great and powerful Oz in Washington rewards failure (GM, AIG) and punishes success...the real leader of the Tea Party movement is Barack Obama. More than anyone else, The Won has made people join the Tea Party movement.

The Tea Party movement is one response to socialism. And the Code Pink implosion on the left is the other reaction to socialism. This is how it works. The producers rail against socialism while the beneficiaries want even more because enough is never enough.

The president’s policies are a failure and people on the left and on the right are angry over it.

I felt all along that Obama would hit the rocks when the focus shifted away from rhetoric and toward concrete policies and programs, away from rhetoric toward measurable outcomes. ObamaCare was interesting for the way the Dems fought to keep it diffuse and poorly-defined -- nobody knew what was in that amorphous, convoluted mountain of paper, nobody had even read it. Even now, surprising new aspects and implications of that legislation are coming to light every week, all of them bad. But it was that intentional vagueness that allowed for a cloudy rhetorical debate, and that was the only way that mess could have been passed.

That won't happen again. He's now talking about "ass kicking" over the Gulf, but that's just another obvious rhetorical ploy, and it's not going to work.

Obama is wonderfully articulate, and he's very good at speeches. Perhaps never in history has any politician gone so far on nothing but a meager handful of bad ideas. Obama is basically a talented salesman, a political Willy Loman, a shoeshine and a smile.



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