Epic mistake
Allowing unionized access to the public purse is turning out to be a mistake of epic proportions. With no Reagans around any more with the courage to pull the plug on public employee demands, it's become a permanent open season on the taxpayers.
There seems to be a strong upward ratchet effect reflected in the numbers shown below: When times are good, public employees demand a larger "fair share" which will often include a schedule of automatic step increases in pay and benefits in future years. When times turn bad, those automatic increases remain in effect nevertheless.
It was once the case that a Government job carried lower pay and benefits as a trade-off for greater job security. Today, a unionized, wealth-consuming Government job is superior in both respects to a job in the wealth-creating private sector, and things seems likely to tend further and further in that direction. That unfortunate direction.
Below via Instapundit:
There seems to be a strong upward ratchet effect reflected in the numbers shown below: When times are good, public employees demand a larger "fair share" which will often include a schedule of automatic step increases in pay and benefits in future years. When times turn bad, those automatic increases remain in effect nevertheless.
It was once the case that a Government job carried lower pay and benefits as a trade-off for greater job security. Today, a unionized, wealth-consuming Government job is superior in both respects to a job in the wealth-creating private sector, and things seems likely to tend further and further in that direction. That unfortunate direction.
Below via Instapundit:
WSJ: THE GOVERNMENT PAY BOOM. “It turns out there really is growing inequality in America. It’s the 45% premium in pay and benefits that government workers receive over the poor saps who create wealth in the private economy. And the gap is growing. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), from 1998 to 2008 public employee compensation grew by 28.6%, compared with 19.3% for private workers. In the recession year of 2009, with almost no inflation and record budget deficits, more than half the states awarded pay raises to their employees. Even as deficits in state capitals widen and are forcing cuts in services, few politicians are willing to eliminate these pay inequities.”
There’s more: “What if government workers earned the average of what private workers earn? States and localities would save $339 billion a year from their more than $2.1 trillion budgets. These savings are larger than the combined estimated deficits for 2010 and 2011 of every state in America. In a separate survey, the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis compares the compensation of public versus private workers in each of the 50 states. Perhaps not coincidentally, the pay gap is widest in states that have the biggest budget deficits, such as New Jersey, Nevada and Hawaii. Of the 40 states that have a budget deficit so far this year, 28 would have a balanced budget were it not for the windfall to government workers.”
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