Code Pink
Why is the media obsessed with smearing the Tea Party activists, yet show zero interest in the vicious antics of Code Pink? The answer is simple, and it goes back to Leon Trotsky and the roots of the left. Trotsky provided the rationale for decades of Soviet terror by arguing that ends can sanctify means, no matter what those means are. If the goals are deemed righteous, then any means to achieve them are thereby ennobled. The left and its supporters deem their goals as morally right and superior, not relatively but absolutely, and therefore they can be pursued By Any Means Necessary. Thus does Obama pose proudly for photos with Code Pink founders and leaders, thus do Democrats maintain their ties with the group, and thus does the media look the other way. If a tree falls in the forest and the media doesn't cover it, then it makes no sound? Before the internet, maybe.
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