Paradise Lost
Yes, let's bail out union-bankrupted California with Federal dollars collected from taxpayers in, for example, Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois. The gray days of a long Winter make the perfect time to talk about taking money from people living in places like Akron and Flint and Peoria, and sending it to Santa Barbara, Palo Alto, and Santa Cruz. To a state with enormous energy consumption that won't even build power plants because they might mar somebody's gorgeous, palm-studded landscape.
The financial collapse of California is entirely of their own making. What California needs, (obviously, see below) is a long, strong dose of reality, not more doses of the hallucinogenic drug they've been on: Formally declare bankruptcy, nullify all existing contracts including and especially those with the public employee unions, and re-negotiate every single state obligation, from per diem allowances on up. People who find that too painful and unjust can be given the consolation prize of a free one-way train ticket for their choice of Akron or Flint or Peoria. And thanks for playing.
But back here in the real political world, let's see how Barack "The Mistake" Obama deals with this solidly liberal Democratic state, with its huge number of electoral votes. On second thought, I think I'd rather not look.
“Amid a crippling fiscal crisis, managers throughout California’s government have routinely allowed their employees to amass unused vacation time, enabling hundreds of workers to end their public service careers with payouts topping $100,000, a California Watch investigation has found. One worker combined vacation and compensatory time to walk away with more than $800,000, records show.”
Yes, let's bail out union-bankrupted California with Federal dollars collected from taxpayers in, for example, Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois. The gray days of a long Winter make the perfect time to talk about taking money from people living in places like Akron and Flint and Peoria, and sending it to Santa Barbara, Palo Alto, and Santa Cruz. To a state with enormous energy consumption that won't even build power plants because they might mar somebody's gorgeous, palm-studded landscape.
The financial collapse of California is entirely of their own making. What California needs, (obviously, see below) is a long, strong dose of reality, not more doses of the hallucinogenic drug they've been on: Formally declare bankruptcy, nullify all existing contracts including and especially those with the public employee unions, and re-negotiate every single state obligation, from per diem allowances on up. People who find that too painful and unjust can be given the consolation prize of a free one-way train ticket for their choice of Akron or Flint or Peoria. And thanks for playing.
But back here in the real political world, let's see how Barack "The Mistake" Obama deals with this solidly liberal Democratic state, with its huge number of electoral votes. On second thought, I think I'd rather not look.
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