
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Nonsense vs. Common Sense

Bang! Bang! You're... Safe?

The deep thinkers at Colorado State Univ. up in Ft. Collins want to institute a gun ban that would prohibit people with concealed carry permits from bringing their guns on campus. No guns on campus! Make CSU a Gun Free Zone!

The only reason for this I can imagine is that they're out to replicate the senseless Virginia Tech tragedy at CSU. I don't know why they'd want to do that, but no other explanation makes any sense whatsoever.

OK, grasshoppers, here's your Zen koan for today:

You are dozing contentedly in your English Lit class as Prof. Lackluster drones on about yonic imagery in the works of Jane Austin. Suddenly! A Virginia Tech-style nutcase runs to the front of the room, pulls out a 9mm Glock and starts shooting people! Everybody dives under their seats. In your terror, and amidst the screams of wounded and dying classmates, you look over to see who's down there next to you. Who would you rather see:

(A) Concealed carry permit holder Joe Bob Tucker, who is racking the slide on his .45 ACP Sig Sauer loaded with 13 rounds of 230-grain jacketed hollow points;


(B) Sarah Brady, who is wetting her pants.

Whoa! Tough one!



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