
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Death Wish Caucus

For anybody not following this, late last year six imams (Muslim clergy) were taken off a flight at the Minneapolis airport, after praying loudly in the waiting area, seating themselves in the same pattern as the 911 hijackers, making anti-American statements, and demanding seat belt extenders they didn't need. A number of passengers became concerned and reported the behavior; airline personnel then became concerned enough to have the men removed from the flight. It remains unclear what the imams were up to. One suggestion was that it was a test of our air security measures. More likely it was a deliberate provocation designed to elicit complaints, which could then be used to claim racial profiling.

In fact, the imams proceeded to file discrimination lawsuits against the airline and against the individual passengers who had drawn attention to their behavior. The "John Doe" amendment described below was intended to protect individuals from retaliatory lawsuits if they in good faith report suspicious behavior. Without such protection, private individuals could be sued by Islamic advocacy organizations (like CAIR), and in a worst case lose their savings and homes defending themselves in a protracted and expensive court battle.

Incredibly, or maybe not so incredibly, Democrats have succeeded so far in killing the John Doe amendment, essentially on grounds of political correctness -- that it would encourage racial profiling of Muslims. Andy McCarthy below refers to these Democrats as the "Death Wish Caucus."

So far, then, if you see suspicious behavior that seems to indicate a possible terrorist threat, keep your mouth shut and hope for the best. Or, speak up as we have been encouraging people to do, and risk becoming the target of an expensive discrimination lawsuit, I assume in a Federal court.

This is madness.


Flying Imams, CAIR and Democrats Defeat Common Sense National Security


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