The lefty meme all over the internet is that the London-Glasgow attacks are the laughable work of pathetic amateurs, being hyped by Bushitler and his allies to increase the credibility of his ridiculous "war on terror." It's all about a failed administration trying to wring some political advantage out of a couple of trivial incidents by hysterical but calculated overreaction. The amateurish nature of these attacks was also stressed this morning by George Stephanopolous when he interviewed Chertoff on ABC, and stated in much stronger form by former-CIA-agent-gone-lefty-nutcase Larry Johnson on Keith Olberman's MSNBC show Friday night.
There are at least two responses to that kind of nonsense.
First, they failed to produce large explosions this time, but those mistakes will not be made next time. Every failed mission is a learning experience. We saw that with the failed 1993 attempt to bring down the World Trade Center. Clinton rolled over and went back to sleep, but al Qaeda learned that the buildings could not be destroyed by an attack at their base, and they got busy developing Plan B, involving airplanes full of jet fuel. That took a while, because it required getting some jihadis through flight school, but they were patient.
Second, there is the following point, made in a blog comment: "If the 9/11 terrorists had been caught before they flew, they would have been found to be unarmed (just carrying harmless little boxcutters, for crap’s sake!) and with a foolish unworkable plan. Hijack four airliners with boxcutters? They would have been considered clearly delusional amateurs, and it would have been considered laughable (by the likes of Keith Olbermann and his band of idiots) to think that they could do more than just maybe cut a few people on board. Olbermann would ridicule the Bush administration for trying to deflect attention from the “stolen” election, by accusing our friendly Muslim brethren of Flying While Arab."
This is the same Soros-funded, internet-based Left that is now leading the Democratic Party around by the nose, demanding that all candidates sign on to the demand for timetables for withdrawal from Iraq ASAP. Hillary Clinton tried to hold out, but recently has caved. The prospect that these people could end up in control of US national security is chilling.
There are at least two responses to that kind of nonsense.
First, they failed to produce large explosions this time, but those mistakes will not be made next time. Every failed mission is a learning experience. We saw that with the failed 1993 attempt to bring down the World Trade Center. Clinton rolled over and went back to sleep, but al Qaeda learned that the buildings could not be destroyed by an attack at their base, and they got busy developing Plan B, involving airplanes full of jet fuel. That took a while, because it required getting some jihadis through flight school, but they were patient.
Second, there is the following point, made in a blog comment: "If the 9/11 terrorists had been caught before they flew, they would have been found to be unarmed (just carrying harmless little boxcutters, for crap’s sake!) and with a foolish unworkable plan. Hijack four airliners with boxcutters? They would have been considered clearly delusional amateurs, and it would have been considered laughable (by the likes of Keith Olbermann and his band of idiots) to think that they could do more than just maybe cut a few people on board. Olbermann would ridicule the Bush administration for trying to deflect attention from the “stolen” election, by accusing our friendly Muslim brethren of Flying While Arab."
This is the same Soros-funded, internet-based Left that is now leading the Democratic Party around by the nose, demanding that all candidates sign on to the demand for timetables for withdrawal from Iraq ASAP. Hillary Clinton tried to hold out, but recently has caved. The prospect that these people could end up in control of US national security is chilling.
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