
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Will Dems dump Kerry?

It's not going to happen, because it would almost certainly result in a catastrophe:

There would be an immediate division between the Dean-Kucinich left and the Lieberman-Edwards center, which would quickly become angry and bitter, especially over Iraq policy. The culmination would be a walkout by the coalition of anti-capitalist Naderites and anti-war "Progressives" once it became clear that they weren't going to win. The remaining liberals would, of course, feel bad about this and blame themselves; expiation would take the form of sharpening and adding to the most left-leaning aspects of the party platform. Their well-meaning efforts would serve only to further marginalize the party, and would be met with scorn by the walkouts. A badly compromised John Kerry would finally end up getting the nomination, anyway, on the 7th ballot. That triumph would be capped off by a night of rioting in the streets of Boston, beginning with protests outside the convention hall over the "sell-out" occurring inside, later joined by some of the party's ghetto constituents perhaps more interested in burning cars and fighting the police than in the nuances of intra-party politics. GW would win all 50 states, a veto-proof majority in the Senate, similar gains in the House, and Democrat party registration would fall to 22%. Bill and Hillary, concluding there were not enough shards to bother trying to pick up and reassemble, and she seeing no point in being embalmed in a futile backbench Senate career, would withdraw from politics to follow lucrative and ego-enhancing opportunities in the private sector.

You read it here first.



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