So much for Howard Dean's 15 minutes of fame, and so much for the Hard Left's developing coalition with the Islamofascists (there have been groups collecting money for the "insurgents" killing American troops, believe it or not). The information that gets revealed in the public trials of Saddam and the other Baathist Party thugs is going to shock the world. I think there will also be a huge amount revealed about the complicity of the French, Germans, Russians, and Chinese, whether or not we choose publicize it, that will give the U.S. huge moral leverage against those governments.
Bush deserves tremendous credit for never wavering against the relentless storm of negativism and criticism from the hostile media, the opportunist Democrats, huge anti-war marches all over the world portraying him as Hitler, and all the contemptible rest. (There was a big "Hate Bush" celebrity rally in Hollywood the other night, and at a Dean rally one speaker referred to Bush as "that living, breathing piece of shit".) This is a World War against the West, which a good portion of the America-hating Left supports. The twerp running Syria had better find a new act, too. The opposition in Iran will be energized even more against the Mullahs there, and the Wahabbi terror sponsors ruling Saudi Arabia may find it's time for a serious reality check.
A very good day. Now let's get Bin Laden.
Bush deserves tremendous credit for never wavering against the relentless storm of negativism and criticism from the hostile media, the opportunist Democrats, huge anti-war marches all over the world portraying him as Hitler, and all the contemptible rest. (There was a big "Hate Bush" celebrity rally in Hollywood the other night, and at a Dean rally one speaker referred to Bush as "that living, breathing piece of shit".) This is a World War against the West, which a good portion of the America-hating Left supports. The twerp running Syria had better find a new act, too. The opposition in Iran will be energized even more against the Mullahs there, and the Wahabbi terror sponsors ruling Saudi Arabia may find it's time for a serious reality check.
A very good day. Now let's get Bin Laden.
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