Ed Morrissey ( on the ObamaCare website debacle:
That, along with a host of other very good reasons, including a corrosive concentration of political/economic power, and the subversion and defeat of democracy that inevitably follows.
How many times do we have to re-learn the same lesson? Vast inefficiency/waste and political oppression are two sides of the same miserable coin of Government Control. Better currency is the opposite: Only as much government as is necessary to maintain individual liberty and orderly markets. Of course, reality is always far too complex to match either theoretical model, and that's no doubt a good thing. But we ought to know enough about history and economics to have no doubt about which pole we should lean toward.
This is what happens when government takes over what should be private-sector tasks. No private-sector organization would have tolerated a $634 million web-portal project in the first place, nor would it have tolerated a three-and-a-half year rollout. A firm competing in the private sector would have tested its software before release to make sure it at least FUNCTIONED, well enough to sell the product if nothing else.
Every step of the path for this exchange, including its price tag, reminds us why we don’t want government eclipsing the private sector, if on no other basis than rational use of resources.
That, along with a host of other very good reasons, including a corrosive concentration of political/economic power, and the subversion and defeat of democracy that inevitably follows.
How many times do we have to re-learn the same lesson? Vast inefficiency/waste and political oppression are two sides of the same miserable coin of Government Control. Better currency is the opposite: Only as much government as is necessary to maintain individual liberty and orderly markets. Of course, reality is always far too complex to match either theoretical model, and that's no doubt a good thing. But we ought to know enough about history and economics to have no doubt about which pole we should lean toward.
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