
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Slow Joe

The addition of Joe Biden is being seen as bringing foreign policy credentials to an Obama ticket that otherwise has none. Biden, you see, brings experience and judgment. This is very funny.

Here is a Biden Blast from the very recent past, on the most important foreign policy/national defense issue of our time: The Biden Plan for Iraq. I assume the McCain campaign will spend plenty of time reminding everyone about this stunning demonstration of experience and judgment: Slow Joe opposed the surge, and he instead advocated Iran, Turkey, and Syria as parties to "peace talks" aimed at dismembering the country!

This is classic Biden Brilliance (tm), apparently well-intentioned but half-baked and completely wrong about absolutely everything. His plan would have created an al Qaeda/Hezbollah enclave tied to Syria and fully dedicated to the destruction of Israel, an Iranian puppet state run by Shiite fanatic Muqtada al-Sadr and his criminal militias, and the Kurds left to the tender mercy of the Turks. The surreal bit about a "central government" coordinating this mess in some kind of federal system is simply goofy.

But even that awful scenario is ridiculously over-optimistic. Long, long before any such system could have been established, Iraq would have descended into a genocidal civil war that, abetted by Biden peace-talkers Syria, Iran, and Turkey, might have lasted for a generation. The derangement of Iraqi society would have been unspeakably tragic, the human toll staggering to contemplate, and the geopolitical ramifications beyond calculation.

Everyone, but especially the people of Iraq, can be eternally grateful that nobody listened to the forever-clueless Slow Joe. The man is a fatuous, blithering gasbag of the very first order. He preens and struts for the cameras, flashes his teeth, and argues most forcefully for his many ideas, virtually all of which turn out to be bad. In his way, he's a fun, attractive, and entertaining figure. But Biden is also someone who should never, ever be allowed to be in control of anything important. In that respect, he and Obama make a nice pair.



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