
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Monday, November 26, 2007


NYT report:

"As violence declines in Baghdad, the leading Democratic presidential candidates are undertaking a new and challenging balancing act on Iraq: acknowledging that success, trying to shift the focus to the lack of political progress there, and highlighting more domestic concerns like health care and the economy."

This should be highly entertaining! The Democrats will be backpedaling and flippity-flopping, while their moonbat left wing twists itself into knots of rage. (I hear Code Pink is contemplating changing its name to Code Livid. For the Stalinist hard core at, it will be just one more demonstration that liberals must never, ever be trusted.)

The geniuses at the NYT don't seem to notice that shifting the focus to domestic concerns means shifting the focus to the abysmal record of a Democratic Congress that has proven itself a wall-to-wall embarrassment under the laughably inept leadership of Harry & Nanci, and which currently enjoys the lowest approval ratings in history. Sounds like a winning strategy to me!

This is too good.



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