Bad Karma
The train wreck proceeds apace. The photo below is from a NC peace rally, where the absence of any sense of history is so complete that the placard shown can be hoisted without a trace of irony.

That's just shooting par on the dimwit Left, but on the Right, it's looking no better. The James Baker group (plus Henry Kissinger from the sidelines) is busy pumping the idea of a quickie duck-out from Iraq by enlisting the aid of Syria and Iran to cover our rear ends as we flee in disgrace. What do you suppose comes next?
This is the old "realism," the kind of balance-of-power realpolitick that brought us the Mideast mess to begin with. Screw democratic ideals and long-term solutions, and screw all the people who took that idea seriously. We're getting ready to kick the can down the road -- the kids and grandkids can deal with an emboldened terrorist enemy and an empowered and nuclear-armed Iran. We wish them all the luck in the world with that, really we do.
Peace in Our Time! (Notice to the Israelis, the Kurds, and all Iraqis who trusted America: You are not part of the plan, so you'd best keep an eye on the exits.)
Do the bright people who make up the Baker Group really think there is any genuine strategic point to deals between nations when the key actors are not nations, but shifting, trans-national, non-state entities like al Qaeda and its clones? Of course not. Does the Baker Group understand that Al Qaeda doesn't make deals, and that it's not controlled by anybody who does? Of course. Does the Baker Group think anything good will happen in that region when our last helicopter flies off the embassy roof? Nah.
The depth of cynicism here is breathtaking, staggering, sickening. The plain fact is that there was NEVER any long-term strategic plan for defeating terrorism other than the one Bush embarked on, and there still isn't. There still isn't. No "alternative plan" ever existed as anything but an empty term, something for the anti-war fantasist Democrats, the viciously defeatist media, the self-justifying "realists," and the pusillanimous Europeans to play word games with. If Bush folds, then we will get to see what the true alternatives were, and are.

That's just shooting par on the dimwit Left, but on the Right, it's looking no better. The James Baker group (plus Henry Kissinger from the sidelines) is busy pumping the idea of a quickie duck-out from Iraq by enlisting the aid of Syria and Iran to cover our rear ends as we flee in disgrace. What do you suppose comes next?
This is the old "realism," the kind of balance-of-power realpolitick that brought us the Mideast mess to begin with. Screw democratic ideals and long-term solutions, and screw all the people who took that idea seriously. We're getting ready to kick the can down the road -- the kids and grandkids can deal with an emboldened terrorist enemy and an empowered and nuclear-armed Iran. We wish them all the luck in the world with that, really we do.
Peace in Our Time! (Notice to the Israelis, the Kurds, and all Iraqis who trusted America: You are not part of the plan, so you'd best keep an eye on the exits.)
Do the bright people who make up the Baker Group really think there is any genuine strategic point to deals between nations when the key actors are not nations, but shifting, trans-national, non-state entities like al Qaeda and its clones? Of course not. Does the Baker Group understand that Al Qaeda doesn't make deals, and that it's not controlled by anybody who does? Of course. Does the Baker Group think anything good will happen in that region when our last helicopter flies off the embassy roof? Nah.
The depth of cynicism here is breathtaking, staggering, sickening. The plain fact is that there was NEVER any long-term strategic plan for defeating terrorism other than the one Bush embarked on, and there still isn't. There still isn't. No "alternative plan" ever existed as anything but an empty term, something for the anti-war fantasist Democrats, the viciously defeatist media, the self-justifying "realists," and the pusillanimous Europeans to play word games with. If Bush folds, then we will get to see what the true alternatives were, and are.
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