
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Battle Against Bush

CIA Fires Employee for Alleged Press Leak
Apr 22 7:49 AM US/Eastern
The CIA fired a top intelligence analyst who admitted leaking classified information that led to a Pulitzer Prize-winning story about a network of secret CIA prisons...


Byron's summary of events so far:

Mary McCarthy, a Kerry-supporting Democrat in the CIA, who was a senior director for intelligence programs under Clinton and appointed by document thief Sandy Berger, one of a dissident group that has been running an internal war against the Bush Administration for at least three years, decides to destroy an important intelligence operation, along with the covert cooperative relationships it involves with European intelligence agencies, and to do this in wartime with American troops in harm's way on foreign battlefields. She is caught following a failed polygraph exam. A Washington Post reporter and Bush Administration critic, Dana Priest, is the journalist contact and conduit in the operation. Priest proceeds to write up the story. The editors of the Post, in their role as overseers of a key Bush-hating liberal media outlet, knowing full well the consequences that will follow, then make the national security decision to publish the story to the world, on their front page. For her part in this campaign, Priest's media community awards her a Pulitzer prize.

The CIA traitor should do serious prison time, and the Washington Post and Pulitzer committee should be held in public disgrace for actively aiding the enemy in wartime. The scope of this activity, within the CIA and probably extending to the intelligence committees of the Congress (Rockefeller and Durbin have reportedly been asked to sit for polygraph exams), has been much wider and deeper than this one incident, and it will be unfolding over the coming months as the Justice Department investigations proceed. It's about time.

This is another demonstration of something that has become increasingly apparent during the past two or three years: There are factions in the country, heavily involving the mainstream liberal media and dissident members of the intelligence community, which are far more concerned to destroy Bush than to succeed in the battle against fundamentalist Islam. They are more than willing to subvert the latter to achieve the former, even if that means actively aiding the enemy, an enemy who has no more effective allies than these.



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