
Byron Matthews, a sociologist retired from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a partner in an educational software company, lives near Santa Fe, NM.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Monday, June 20, 2005


Power Line posted:
Durbin's comments last week [comparing American soldiers to Nazis] represent "an escalation in the political rhetoric of the left, which is designed to undermine the public's confidence in the military, the administration, and the war."

Well, it's just that the left is fighting a different war. They're more than willing to sacrifice the war on terror if that's what it takes to bring down Bush. These people are, in effect, fighting for the other side. Contemptible as that sounds, second-ranking Democrat Durbin's absurd ravings, Conyers' mock impeachment farce, and the NYT putting Abu Ghraib on its front page for 33 straight days clearly show that it's become their primary political strategy. Bush will be discredited if the war on terrorism is a failure, with other consequences of that failure being merely collateral damage in a more important war of ideology. If things have to get much worse in order to get better, then so be it.

That sort of thinking historically has been associated with extremist third parties and theoreticians on the fringe, not practical, mainstream electoral politics. But this detachment from reality may be an inevitable result of getting your money from the likes of George Soros, your talking points from Michael Moore, and your political strategy from Democratic Underground. The like-minded mainstream media have been, and continue to be, by far their most important allies and enablers, although I see the Washington Post couldn't quite stomach the vicious anti-Semitism that surfaced in the Conyers embarrassment. But, hey, hatred of Israel is part of the package.

The Democrats appear to believe that this kind of stuff is going to translate into success at the ballot box. (Perhaps they have a plan to allow Europeans to vote in US elections.) This is a political party that is disintegrating in front of our eyes. Major screw-ups by the GOP can save the Democrats and, unfortunately, the weaker and more unhinged the Democrats become, the more space there will be for the GOP to get arrogant and intellectually lazy, to overreach and blunder. Far from being a good thing for the country, the increasingly sad state of the Democratic Party is dangerous to our democracy, which needs the competition of two strong parties.



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